Jadavpur University details

- Address: Main Campus
188, Raja S.C. Mallick Rd,
Kolkata 700032
- Location: Kolkata, India
- Telephone Number: +9133-24146666
- Email Address:
- Website: http://www.jaduniv.edu.in/newindex.htm
About Jadavpur University
The University wishes to grow further as a diverse and socially responsible learning community, providing a high quality of scholarship and equal opportunity for all.
The University’s core values include a commitment to:
-The highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, creative expression and service to the community;
-Advanced learning as a humanising social practice rather than as a competitive exercise;
-Regarding the production and dissemination of knowledge as inseparable goals;
-Upholding the principle that the culture of reason and learning is indivisible from a concern for the world beyond the campus;
-Maintaining principles of democratic governance and intellectual and institutional freedom;
-Abiding by principles that do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, caste, gender and economic status.
Salt Lake Campus
Plot No.8, Salt Lake Bypass, LB Block, Sector III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700106.Ph: +9133-2335 5215
Programs and courses
Degree Courses (37 courses)
Doctorate Courses (20 courses)
Masters Courses (70 courses)
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