University of Alberta details

- Address: 116 St. and 85 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R3
- Location: Edmonton, Canada
- Telephone Number: +1 780-492-3111
- Email Address:
- Website:
About University of Alberta
The University of Alberta in Edmonton is one of the top teaching and research universities in Canada, with an international reputation for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering and health sciences.
Quaecumque vera
“whatsoever things are true.”
The phrase comes from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, Chapter 4, Verse 8, in the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible. In the passage, the writer exhor ts the readers to focus their thoughts on truth and other virtues.
Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement and partnerships. The U of A gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront.
To inspire the human spirit through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship in a creative community, building one of the world's great universities for the public good.
Our campuses:
-North Campus
-Campus Saint-Jean
-Augustana Campus
-South Campus
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (1 courses)
Degree Courses (201 courses)
- Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering(Computer Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering(Mining Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing(Nursing)
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Agriculture)
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering(Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education(Secondary Education)
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology(Food Science and Technology)
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry(Forestry)
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics(Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering(Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery(Dental Surgery)
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering(Biomedical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music(Music)
- Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences( Biological Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences(Physical Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology(Conservation Biology)
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics(Economics)
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering(Petroleum Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry(Biochemistry)
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry(Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics(Physics)
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics(Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering(Chemical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science in Physics(Physics)
- Bachelor of Arts in English(English)
- Bachelor of Science in Geology(Geology)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology(Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy(Philosophy)
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology(Pharmacology)
- Bachelor of Arts in History(History)
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics(Linguistics)
- Bachelor of Criminology(Criminology)
- Bachelor of Science in Geophysics(Geophysics)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science(Environmental Science)
- Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture(Sustainable Agriculture)
- Bachelor of Science in Computing Science (Computing Science)
- Bachelor of Music(Music)
- Bachelor of Land Reclamation and Restoration(Land Reclamation and Restoration)
- Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy(Radiation Therapy)
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology(Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science(Political Science)
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology(Anthropology)
- Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies(Religious Studies)
- Bachelor of Education in Mathematics(Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Education in Music(Music)
- Bachelor of Education in Physical Education(Physical Education)
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Health(Animal Health)
- Bachelor Of Science in Wildlife Conservation and Management(Wildlife Conservation and Management)
- Doctor of Medicine(MD)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (Environmental Engineering )
- Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design(Art and Design)
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics()
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies()
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Physics()
- Bachelor of Design()
- Bachelor of Commerce in Business Law()
- Bachelor of Education in Chemistry()
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Earth and Atmospheric Science()
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Finance()
- Bachelor of Computing Science and Mathematics()
- Bachelor of Commerce(Business Technology Management)()
- Bachelor of Education with Computer Science()
- Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene()
- Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education()
- Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education (Hons) ()
- Bachelor of Arts in Classics()
- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology()
- Bachelor of Kinesiology()
- Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science()
- Bachelor of Arts in Medieval Studies()
- Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Business(Honors)()
- Bachelor of Science in Family Science()
- Bachelor of Arts in Drama()
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering()
- Bachelor of Arts in Acting(Honours)()
- Bachelor of Arts in Music(Honours)()
- Bachelor in Science and Education for Basic Education in Mathematics()
- Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology()
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Kinesiology()
- Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics()
- Bachelors Degree in Materials Engineering()
- Bachelor of Human Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computing Science()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics()
- Bachelor of Commerce in International Business()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours)()
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Music()
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Production)()
- Bachelor of Science(Hons) in Pharmacology()
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition()
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Production()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology()
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Industries and Visual Culture()
- Bachelor of Management in Strategic Management()
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Business Management()
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Animal Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Statistics)()
- Bachelor of Media()
- Bachelor of Education Secondary (Social Studies)()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Nursing()
- Bachelor of Agricultural and Resource Economics()
- Bachelor of Sustainability()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Applied Mathematics with Computing()
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Sociology)()
- Bachelor of Commerce (Major: Finance)()
- Bachelor of Commerce (Major: Human Resource Management)()
- Bachelor of Commerce (Major: Marketing)()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Anthropology()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Drama()
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Philosophy()
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Mathematics()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Political Science()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Applied Mathematics()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) East Asian Studies()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Geophysics()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Human Geography()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Integrative Biology()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Linguistics()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Neuroscience()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Nutritional Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physical and Mathematical Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physiology()
- Bachelor of Education in Natural Resource Management()
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Economics and Policy()
- Bachelor of Science in Dietetics()
- Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences Education()
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics with Statistics()
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts()
- Bachelor of Agriculture in Crop Sciences()
- Bachelor of Science Combined Honours in Mathematics and Economics()
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design()
- Bachelor of Science with Astrophysics()
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Astrophysics ()()
- Bachelor of Commerce(Business Studies)()
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Computer Process Control()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Chemistry)()
- Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology()
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering - Software()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education(Health)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Recreation)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education(Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation)()
- Bachelor of Design(Business and Marketing Route)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education(Drama)()
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama(Acting)()
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama(Design)()
- Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology()
- Bachelor of Kinesiology / Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education()
- Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies / Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education()
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth Sciences()
- Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Global Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Fashion Business Management()
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Health (Food Animals)()
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural / Food Business Management()
- Bachelor of Science in Forest Business Management()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education(General Science)()
- Bachelor of Arts in History of Art, Design and Visual Culture()
- Bachelor of Arts with Honors (History of Art, Design and Visual Culture)()
- Bachelor of Science in Human Dimensions of Environmental Management()
- Bachelor of Science Immunology and Infection()
- Bachelor of Science Integrative Physiology()
- Bachelor of Science in Integrative Physiology(Honors)()
- Bachelor of Arts in Law, Crime and Justice Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics(Computational Science)()
- Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages and Cultural Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology()
- Bachelor of Science(Honors) in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology()
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Nanoengineering()
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Nanoengineering()
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Nanoscale System Design()
- Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies()
- Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies with Honors()
- Bachelor of Commerce in Operations Management()
- Bachelor of Science(Honors) in Paleontology()
- Bachelor of Science in Paleontology()
- Bachelor of Music (Performance-Based Pedagogy)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Physical Sciences)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Physical Education)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Physics)()
- Bachelor of Arts in Planning()
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Mental Health()
- Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism()
- Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Religious Studies()
- Bachelor of Science in Science and Education - Physical Sciences()
- Bachelor of Arts in Science, Technology and Society()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages - Cree)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages - French)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages- German)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages - Japanese)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages - Spanish)()
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (Second Languages - Ukrainian)()
- Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Sociology()
- Bachelor of Commerce in Strategic Management and Organization()
Doctorate Courses (1 courses)
Masters Courses (1 courses)
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