Zion College of Fashion and Textile Design details

- Address: David Osieli Road, Wendy Court, Unit 10, Westlands, Nairobi
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Telephone Number: + (254) 0722 523 798
- Telephone Number 2: 0795 889 802
- Email Address: info@zionfashioncollege.co.ke
- Website: https://www.zionfashioncollege.co.ke/
About Zion College of Fashion and Textile Design
This is a private and excellent practical oriented training college based in Nairobi. Zion College was started in 2013 to fill skills gaps and knowledge on sustainable and quality fashion design and quality production of men, women and children clothes. The college focus is training and moulding the best and innovative fashion designers for Kingdom Glory and Beauty.
A leading training institution committed to developing innovative Fashion and Textile Designers for Kingdom glory and beauty.
To provide better training, nurturing and molding learners to design, produce and reconcile textile and clothing back to God. (Romans 8: 19-21)
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (1 courses)
Diploma Courses (1 courses)
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