Egerton University details

  • Address: P.O Box 536 Egerton
  • Location: Nakuru, Kenya
  • Telephone Number: 254-051-2217891/2
  • Telephone Number 2: 254-051-2217781
  • Email Address:
  • Website:

About Egerton University

Egerton University has three (3) Campuses and one Campus College. The main Campus is based at Njoro and houses the Faculties of Agriculture, Arts and Social Sciences, Education and Community Studies, Engineering and Technology, Environment and Resources Development, Science and Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.

Programs and courses

Certificate Courses (31 courses)

Degree Courses (66 courses)

Doctorate Courses (48 courses)

Masters Courses (72 courses)

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Faculties and Schools

-Faculty of Agriculture (FoA)
-Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
-Faculty of Commerce (FOC)
-Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies (FEDCOS)
-Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET)
-Faculty of Environment and Resources Development (FERD)
-Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS)
-Faculty of Law (FOL)
-Faculty of Science (FOS)
-Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (FVMS)
-Institute of Women, Gender and Development Studies (IWGDs)
-School of Open and Distance Learning (SoDL)

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