Western University College details

- Address: Megenagna, AMCE's Northern Fence towards Agricultural Research Center
Bole Sub-city, Worda 6 House #: 306
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Telephone Number: +251 118-608-906
- Telephone Number 2: +251 935402036
- Email Address: info@wuc.edu.et
- Website: https://www.wuc.edu.et/
About Western University College
Mission: To provide a unique synthesis of innovative and traditional educational opportunities designed for qualified candidates who are leading professionals with a strong desire to excel in a challenging and rewarding field, and who may not otherwise have the opportunity to study while staying employed.
Programs and courses
Degree Courses (1 courses)
Masters Courses (1 courses)
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