Fidei Polytechnic details

- Address: Km 8, Gboko-Aliade Road,
Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria.
P.M.B. 185 Gboko
- Location: Gboko, Nigeria
- Telephone Number: +234(0)8035941677
- Email Address:
- Website:
About Fidei Polytechnic
The reasons for establishing the polytechnic are:
To become an Effective, Efficient and Dynamic Institution capable of producing graduates with highly employable vocational skills.
To design and develop high quality of educational training programmes that are responsive to the nation’s cultural, political, social and economic needs and demands.
To provide and maintain high quality and innovational, educational programmes.
To train and provide graduates with professional and manpower skills to be self employed.
Programs and courses
Diploma Courses (23 courses)
Higher Diploma Courses (28 courses)
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