Emirates College of Health Science and Technology details

- Address: Tudun Yola, Kabuga, satellite town, Kano
- Location: Kano, Nigeria
- Telephone Number: +234 803 770 9304
- Telephone Number 2: +234 706 845 6491
- Email Address: ecohsatinfo@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.ecohsat.edu.ng/
About Emirates College of Health Science and Technology
This is a flagship private health care and Allied Medical science institute established to bridge the man power (Health workers) gap in Northern Nigeria and the country at large.
Mission Statement
Building a multi-disciplinary Center for generating ideas on health development, health promotion and diseases and prevention programmes of Academic, Research, Training, and professional development in Nigeria and beyond.
Vision and Philosophy
The College hinges on institutionalizing practical oriented academic and professional broad based platform for facilitating interaction both locally and internationally-in areas of public health care.
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (1 courses)
Diploma Courses (5 courses)
Higher Diploma Courses (3 courses)
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