Swiss Hotel School details

- Address: 33-35 Bond Street, Randburg
Johannesburg, South Africa
- Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
- Telephone Number: +2711 789 9934/5/6
- Email Address:
- Website:
About Swiss Hotel School
It was first opened in 1995. By January 2006 the original 2 year diploma was aligned with the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and re-launched as a three year programme. In September of the same year the School was provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the appointed quality assurer of the Department of Education, Further Education and Training. In 2010 the school was accredited by the Council for Higher Education (CHE) for its main three year diploma.
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (2 courses)
Degree Courses (1 courses)
Diploma Courses (2 courses)
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