IH Career College details

- Address: Suite 2001 – 88 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 6N9
- Location: Vancouver, Canada
- Telephone Number: +1-604-739-9836
- Email Address: info@tesl-vancouver.com
- Website: https://ihcareercollege.com/
About IH Career College
This is a college offering high quality training programs to both local and international students. Experienced instructors, friendly staff and a wide variety of courses make IH Career College the ideal place to study.
Mission Statement
International House Career College Vancouver provides high-quality, innovative teacher training and business programs. We achieve this with a learner-centred approach and with instructors who are well-trained, experienced and motivated.
Value Statement
We conduct ourselves ethically and with integrity. We value harmony and cooperation while supporting each other’s creative energies and talents. We respect individualism, embrace multicultural values and the personal growth of students and staff alike.
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (5 courses)
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