East Africa Institute of Homecare Management details

- Address: P.O Box 16141-00100, Nairobi.
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Telephone Number: +254 716 459444
- Email Address: info@homecareinstitute.ac.ke
- Website: https://www.homecareinstitute.ac.ke/
About East Africa Institute of Homecare Management
The EAIHM opened its doors for learning in April 2011. We are located in Githurai 45 immediately after the Railway crossing on your way to Progressive. The Institute is spacious as it lies on one acre of land which provides a conducive environment for learning and recreation. We have a team of qualified, professional and experienced lecturers and support staff who are always on hand to give training and guidance on their area of expertise. Among the Curricula being offered is a unique one developed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development which is aimed at creating professionals in Homecare Management and the wider Hospitality industry for the East African community and beyond. Since its inception, the Institute has expanded beyond Hospitality to include other courses i.e. Catering, Hairdressing and Beauty, Fashion and Design and ICT.
Since its inception, the Institute has partnered with NGOs to tailor make courses for specialized groups i.e out-of-school youths, women, girls, refugees and victims.
As an Institution, we offer a holistic approach to learning. Students benefit from training in their specific courses as well training in cross-cutting areas such as Life skills training to empower them deal with everyday situations. Other support areas covered include: Communication skills and Labour Relations. As part of their course all students MUST undertake industrial attachment before they graduate. The Institute also offers a wide range of short courses for those who wish to gain proficiency at the workplace. Mode of study is Regular, Evening and Weekend Classes. Tailor-made courses are also available on request.
The Institute is compliant with the Ministry of Education's standards and is dully registered under certificate of registration Number MOHEST/PC/1439/011. We run courses for both Form Four Leavers with 'O'Level qualifications and Standard 8 Leavers. Each course has its set entry requirements which we follow strictly to comply with standards set by different examination bodies. For those who require accommodation, we have well furnished rooms and well balanced meals are provided.
Programs and courses
Certificate Courses (19 courses)
Diploma Courses (2 courses)
View all courses offered by colleges and universities in Kenya
Faculties and Schools
School of Hospitality.
School of Hairdressing and Beauty.
School of Fashion and Design.
School of Education.
School of Homecare Management.
School of Short Courses.
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