Colleges and Universities Offering Ph.D in Sociology in South Africa
- Course Name: Ph.D in Sociology(Sociology)
- Major Subject: Sociology
- Course Category: Doctorate Courses
A Ph.D. in Sociology offers an in-depth study of societal behavior, cultural dynamics and social structures, preparing graduates for various career opportunities in academia, research, policy-making and more. This advanced degree equips students with advanced theoretical knowledge, research skills and critical thinking abilities.
Possible career opportunities for Ph.D. in Sociology graduates in South Africa:
1. University professor or lecturer
2. Researcher in academic or non-profit organizations
3. Social policy analyst
4. Social development consultant
5. Data analyst or researcher in public or private sectors
6. Non-governmental organization (NGO) program manager
7. Social work supervisor or administrator
8. Market research analyst
9. Human resources specialist
10. Community development officer.
Institutions Offering Ph.D in Sociology
Nelson Mandela University , Port Elizabeth
Course entry requirements:
-Holders of a Master's degree from the University or the holders of other qualifications approved by Senate may be accepted as candidates for the relevant degree.
-Candidates who have passed the examinations on the grounds that they will be awarded the relevant degree by the University or on the grounds that the required status may later be granted to them, or who have in any other manner (e.g. RPL) attained a level of competence, which in Senate's opinion is adequate for the purpose of postgraduate studies or research at the required level, may be accepted as candidates for the relevant degree.
-Apart from the general admission requirements, a candidate may be required to fulfil further requirements, e.g. supplementary work or an oral/written examination as prescribed by Senate.
A prospective student must contact the relevant Head of Department or Director of School wherein his/her studies will take place, before applying for admission.
-An application for registration as a student for a postgraduate research qualification may, after approval by the Head of Department or Director of School, be processed by the Manager: Faculty Administration.
-Where applicable, a candidate must submit a research proposal for approval by the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee within the prescribed minimum period as stipulated in the postgraduate research policy. Once such approval has been obtained, an official research project is registered by the Manager: Faculty Administration.
-Unless the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee decides otherwise, no candidate will be allowed to continue with his/her studies if a research project has not been registered within the prescribed minimum period as stipulated in the postgraduate research policy.
Course duration: 2 years
Mode of study: Full time
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Admission requirements:
-Access will be considered for a candidate who is in possession of a university based Master’s qualification in Sociology/Industrial Sociology/Social Impact Assessment on NQF Level 8. If a student does not
comply with the requirements mentioned above, admission may be granted by the Dean of the Faculty, at the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department. The Department must specifically approve of the field of study, the research topic, methodology and problem statement before the candidate may register.
Duration of programme: 3 years
University of Limpopo, Polokwane
Course Entry Requirements:
(a) A Relevant Master’s Degree or equivalent qualification.
Course Duration:
(a) A minimum of two years.
(b) A maximum of four years.
Rhodes University, Grahamstown
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