Colleges and Universities Offering Master of Physiotherapy in South Africa

  • Course Name: Master of Physiotherapy()
  • Major Subject:
  • Course Category: Masters Courses

Institutions Offering Master of Physiotherapy

  • University of Stellenbosch University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch  
    Specific admission requirements:
    • One of the following qualifications:
    o A four-year bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy or an equivalent qualification approved by Senate for such purposes, and registration as a Physiotherapist or Physiotherapy student with the South African Health Professions Council; or
    o A diploma in Physiotherapy, provided that:
     This takes place on the recommendation of the Committee for Postgraduate Education;
     You have remained academically and professionally active in the specific field since obtaining the diploma;
     You have evidence that you have passed the Orthopaedic Manual Therapy I (OMT I) course;
     You completed a preliminary examination to the satisfaction of the Committee for Postgraduate Education; and
     Supplementary work may be required;

    • A minimum of one year of clinical experience in Physiotherapy after obtaining the bachelor’s degree.

    • For admission to the structured Master’s degree in Physiotherapy (Ortho-manipulative Therapy), you must (in addition to the above requirements) provide evidence of:
    o Successful completion of the Orthopaedic Manual Therapy I (OMT I) programme; or
    o Appropriate clinical experience and continuous professional education.

    Course Duration: 2 years
    Mode of Study: Part time

    Course Duration:
    1 year (Full time)
    2 years (Part time)

  • University of Pretoria University of Pretoria, Pretoria  
    Admission Requirements:
    BPhysio (or equivalent) degree
    Registration as a physiotherapist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
    Employment in a part-time/full-time position appropriate for the field of study.

    Duration of study:
    2 years, full-time.

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