Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Arts in Local Studies in Ireland

  • Course Name: Bachelor of Arts in Local Studies()
  • Major Subject:
  • Course Category: Degree Courses

Institutions Offering Bachelor of Arts in Local Studies

  • Maynooth University Maynooth University, Maynooth  
    Course Duration: 4.5 years (part-time)

    >>Local Studies as a part-time (evening) interdisciplinary degree for mature applicants only (21 years or more).
    >>Departments involved are History, Geography, Classics, Centre for Irish Cultural Heritage, Adult and Community Education and Anthropology.

    Why choose this degree?
    >>This is the only interdisciplinary degree of its kind in Ireland combining the expertise of Ireland’s leading history department
    for the study of local history, with one of the most well regarded geography departments in the country; Study folk traditions, Gaelic Literature and Culture with modules from the Centre for Irish Cultural Heritage and Ancient Classics and deepen this knowledge with classes in Anthropology or Sociology.
    >>Use previous learning to fast-track to the degree award through our Recognition of Prior Learning system.
    >>New students are catered for in Semester 1 Introduction to Programmes which includes a comprehensive Study Skills and Student Support module aimed at people who have been out of the education system for any length of time.

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