Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Accounting in Zimbabwe

  • Course Name: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Accounting()
  • Major Subject:
  • Course Category: Degree Courses

Institutions Offering Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Accounting

  • Great Zimbabwe University Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo  
    Course Entry Requirements:
    Normal Entry:
    - Five (5) ‘O’ level passes or equivalent including English Language and Mathematics at grade C or better.
    - 2 ‘A’ level passes including at least one commercial subject or Mathematics.
    - In approved cases, holders of an appropriate Higher National Diploma may qualify for entry into the programmes.
    - For Office Management, a Diploma in Secretarial Studies will also be considered for entry into the programme.
    - For Hospitality, Tourism and Culture any two ‘A’ level passes are considered.

    Applicants for Block Release Programmes must attach Confirmation of Employment letters that include their duties and duration of employment on current job.
    Office Management and Internal Auditing are offered on a block release basis only.

    NB. All Block Release Undergraduate Commerce Programmes are only available for the Masvingo classes
    and Weekend Classes are available for Harare and Bulawayo classes.

    Course Duration: 3 Years Parallel/ Block Release/Weekend Classes for candidates who are already working.
  • Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University, Bindura  
    Course Entry Requirements:
    - 5 ‘O’ Level passes including English Language.
    - 2 ‘A’ Level passes in Commercial subjects.

    Special Entry:
    - A relevant diploma from a recognized institution of higher learning or its equivalent
    - 5 ‘O’ Level passes or equivalent including English Language.

    Mature Entry:
    - 5 ‘O’ Level passes or equivalent including English Language
    - At least 25 years of age
    - In addition, a candidate may be required to undertake an entry examination administered by the Department as part of the process of satisfying entry requirements for admission into the program.

    Course Duration:
    - 4 years (Conventional)
    - 3 years (Block release)
  • Zimbabwe Open University Zimbabwe Open University, Harare  
    Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Honours) (4 years)
    Entry requirements:
    - A minimum of 5 'O' Level passes including English Language and Mathematics at Grade C or better .

    Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Honours) (3 Years)
    Entry requirements:
    - Prospective students must hold ZIMCHE accredited Diplomas in a relevant field in addition to 5 ‘O’ Levels including English Language.

    Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Honours) (2 Years)
    Entry requirements:
    - Prospective students must hold ZIMCHE accredited Advanced/Higher National Diplomas in a relevant field in addition to 5 ‘O’ Levels including English Language.
  • Reformed Church University Reformed Church University, Masvingo  
    Course Entry Requirements:
    - At least five (5) O-Level passes at grade C or better including English and Mathematics.
    - In addition a candidate must have at least two (2) ‘A’ level subject passes which include Accounting, Mathematics, Management of Business, Economics and Geography.

    Special Entry:
    - Candidates who have successfully completed a Diploma in Accounting or have obtained equivalent qualifications may apply for direct entry into Part II of the degree programme, subject to availability of places.

    Course Duration:
    - Fours (4) years conventional full-time programme.
    - Three (3) years block release programme.
  • Gwanda State University Gwanda State University, Filabusi  
    Course entry requirements:
    Normal Entry:
    -Passes in at least 5 subjects at Ordinary Level at grade C or better including English Language and Mathematics AND

    -At least 2 ‘A’ level in any one of the following subjects or their recognised equivalents: – Accounting, Economics, Business Studies, Mathematics, Statistics.


    Special Entry:
    -A National Diploma in Accounting or equivalent.

    Course duration: 4 years
  • Solusi University Solusi University, Bulawayo  
    Course Entry Requirements:
    - At least two Advanced Level passes including Mathematics or its recognized equivalent (Mechanics, Statistics, Pure Mathematics) plus at least five Ordinary Level passes
    - At least 2 Advanced Science Level passes which include Chemistry, Biology or Food Science. At least 5 passes at Ordinary Level inclusive of Mathematics and English.

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