Colleges and Universities Offering Certificate in Payroll Administration in Jamaica

  • Course Name: Certificate in Payroll Administration (Payroll Administration )
  • Major Subject: Payroll Administration
  • Course Category: Certificate Courses

Institutions Offering Certificate in Payroll Administration

  • Academy of Learning Career College(AOLCC) Academy of Learning Career College(AOLCC), Kingston  
    Admission Requirements:

    -Grade 12 or equivalent or Mature Student Status. Courses are open to any applicant who possesses a good command of the English language and can follow instructions.
    -Applicants whose first language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency.
    -An admissions interview will be administered to determine if the applicant has the required interest, motivation, and entry-level skills to take this program.
    -Full-time students must attend the required hours per week as per the course schedule and may do so at times convenient to them.

    Course Duration: 17 Weeks

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