Colleges and Universities Offering Higher Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistic Management in South Africa

  • Course Name: Higher Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistic Management()
  • Major Subject:
  • Course Category: Certificate Courses

Institutions Offering Higher Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistic Management

  • ICESA College ICESA College, Durban  
    Course entry requirements:
    -A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with Higher Certificate endorsement or,
    -A National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with Higher Certificate endorsement or,
    -A Amended Senior Certificate (ASC), with Higher Certificate endorsement or,
    -A Senior Certificate (SC)or Foreign School leaving Certificate that complies with minimum admission requirements for H Certificate study as gazetted by the Matriculation Board or
    -A Senate discretionary admission or Mature Age (45 years of age): Conditions apply or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

    Course duration: 1 year

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