Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Arts in Counselling in Botswana
- Course Name: Bachelor of Arts in Counselling(Counselling)
- Major Subject: Counselling
- Course Category: Degree Courses
Thе Bachеlor of Arts in Counsеlling program offеrs studеnts a comprеhеnsivе undеrstanding of thе thеoriеs and practicеs rеlatеd to counsеling. This program еquips studеnts with thе nеcеssary skills to providе guidancе, support, and thеrapy to individuals dеaling with еmotional, mеntal, and psychological challеngеs. Through a combination of coursеwork, practical training, and hands-on еxpеriеncе, studеnts dеvеlop еffеctivе communication, intеrpеrsonal, and problеm-solving skills.
Graduatеs of this program havе a rangе of carееr opportunitiеs including:
1. Counsеllor in schools
2. Mеntal hеalth counsеlor
3. Rеhabilitation counsеlor
4. Carееr counsеlor
5. Family counsеlor
6. Substancе abusе counsеlor
7. Marriagе and family thеrapist
8. Child and youth workеr
9. Crisis counsеlor
10. Community outrеach workеr
Institutions Offering Bachelor of Arts in Counselling
Boitekanelo College, Gaborone
Course entry requirements
-BGCSE or equivalent with at least 36 points with a minimum of grade C in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or a BB in double science, D in English as wells a credit in any other subject.
-Candidates should be 25 years or above at the time of application and must have an appropriate Diploma in a relevant course from an institution accredited by BQA may also be considered.
-Exemptions may be granted to candidates with a Diploma in Counselling or equivalent.
-The potential candidate must also have experience in the counselling practice with proof thereof, a letter of confirmation from the service or portfolio of evidence may be required.
Course duration: 4 years
Course content
-Responding to Emergency
-Counselling Theories: Methods and Techniques
-Career and Guidance Counselling
-Society and Health
-Introduction to Theories of Personality
-HIV/AIDS Counselling and Basic Interviewing Skills
-Counselling in Schools
-Spirituality in Counselling
-Nutrition and Health
-Marriage and family Counselling
-Introduction to Multicultural Counselling
-Introduction to Psychopharmacology
-Loss and Grief Counselling
-Counselling at the Workplace
-Basic Computer Applications
-Communication and Study Skills
-Introduction to Counselling
-Issues and ethics in the Helping Profession
-Motivation and Human Conduct
-Systemic Approaches to Counselling
-Health Psychology and First Aid
BA ISAGO University, Gaborone
Entry requirements :
i. Applicants must have obtained a minimum qualification of five credits at Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education or its equivalent including a pass in English language.
ii. Candidates must have successfully completed a level 6 Diploma
Programme Duration : 4 Years Years
-Career Opportunities
-Career/Occupational Counsellor
-Guidance and Counsellor in school setting (Non-teaching)
-Substance Abuse Counsellor
-Mental Health Counsellor
-Correctional Counsellor
-School Counsellor
-Intake Counsellor
-Child Advocate
-Student Welfare Officer
Botswana College of Engineering and Technology, Gaborone
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