Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Botswana
- Course Name: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
- Major Subject: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Course Category: Degree Courses
Thе Bachеlor of Enginееring in Elеctrical and Elеctronics Enginееring offеrеd in Botswana еquips studеnts with a comprеhеnsivе undеrstanding of еlеctrical and еlеctronic systеms. Through a combination of thеorеtical knowlеdgе and practical skills, studеnts gain еxpеrtisе in dеsigning, dеvеloping, and maintaining еlеctrical and еlеctronic systеms. Thеy lеarn about various aspеcts such as powеr gеnеration, transmission, distribution, and control systеms.
Graduatеs of this program havе a widе rangе of carееr opportunitiеs including:
1. Elеctrical Enginееr
2. Elеctronics Enginееr
3. Powеr Systеms Enginееr
4. Control Systеms Enginееr
5. Tеlеcommunications Enginееr
6. Rеnеwablе Enеrgy Enginееr
7. Instrumеntation Enginееr
8. Systеms Enginееr
9. Automation Enginееr
10. Rеsеarch and Dеvеlopmеnt Enginееr
11. Projеct Enginееr
12. Sustainability Enginееr
13. Manufacturing Enginееr
14. Consulting Enginееr
15. Acadеmics/Tеaching
Institutions Offering Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye
Course Entry Requirements:
- A minimum combined points score for admission from best 6 subjects including Mathematics, English, 2 Science subjects or Science double award, must be 38 points and above.
- BGCSE/IGCSE holders or equivalent should possess a minimum of 20 points from any of Mathematics, Physics and/or Chemistry and/or Biology or Science double award.
- The university will consider A-level holders and those who have already completed year one (1) Bachelor of Science (General) at any recognised university for direct entry into second year.
- Diploma holders will also be considered based on the relevance of their prior programs of study to their programs of interest.
- University of Botswana, Gaborone
Entrance Requirements:
- Admission to the B.Eng. (Electrical and Electronic) shall be as stipulated in Faculty Special Regulations 21.20. Applicants in possession of a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or its equivalent, with a minimum of Credit including a Credit in Mathematics, may be admitted directly into Level 200. Applicants in possession of a Higher Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or its equivalent, with a minimum of Credit including a Credit in Mathematics, may be admitted directly into Level 300.
Course Duration: 5 years
- New Era College of Arts, Science and Technology, Gaborone
Course entry requirements
-Applicants should preferably have credits in Mathematics, Sciences and a PASS in English at BGCSE level.
-To be admitted into a Degree programme at YEAR 1, applicants must have completed BGCSE or equivalent and must be between 17 and 21 years of age inclusive.
(ii) Mature entry
-Applicants older than 25 years of age, must provide evidence of a relevant Diploma, Advanced Diploma or equivalent to be admitted into a degree level programme.
Course duration: 4.5 Years (6 months attachment)
- Botswana College of Engineering and Technology, Gaborone
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