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Colleges and Universities Offering Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery in Kenya
Course Name:
Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery ()
Major Subject:
Course Category:
Certificate Courses
Institutions Offering Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery
Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf
, Nairobi
Course entry requirements
-A mean grade of D plain in KCSE or relevant artisan
Course duration: 2 years
Mode of study: Full time
Exam body: KNEC
Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute
, Embu
Course entry requirements
-A mean grade of D plain and above in KCSE or Artisan Certificate
Mode of study: Modular
Intake: May
Exam body: KNEC
Mathenge Technical Training Institute
, Nyeri
Craft Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery
Course entry requirements
-A mean grade of D plain in KCSE
Exam body: KNEC
Course duration: 7 terms
Karumo Technical Training Institute
, Kianjai
Course entry requirements
-A mean grade of D plain in KCSE
Course duration: 2 years
Intake: January/September
Exam body: KNEC
Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
, Nakuru
Admission criteria
-Applicants are required to have scored a mean grade of D plain in KCSE
Program duration: 6 terms
Exam body: KNEC
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
, Mombasa
Course requirements: KCPE and above
Course duration: 1 Years
Examination body: NITA
Sirare Vocational Training Center
, Bungoma
Examination Body: NITA
Course Name: Craft Certificate in Appropriate Carpentry and Joinery
Nuu Technical and Vocational College
, Mwingi
Minimum Entry Grade: D
Duration: 2 modules
Comboni Polytechnic
, Gilgil
Course entry requirements
Course duration: 2 years
Christian Industrial Training Centre Nairobi
, Nairobi
Entry Grade: D
Duration: 2 years.
Exam Body: KNEC
Ekalakala Technical and Vocational Training Center
, Matuu
Entry Grade: D
Duration: 2 years
Exam Body: KNEC
Mukurwe-Ini Technical Training Institute.
, Mukurweini
Intake: January/ September
Course duration: 2 years
Sigowet Technical Training Institute
, Kericho
Entry Grade: D-
Duration: 1 year
The Skills Centre Vocational Training School
, Nairobi
Entry Requirements: KCPE/KCSE
Sinoko Vocational Training Center
, Bungoma
Examination Body: KNEC
Karadinin Vocational Training Center
, Vihiga
Examination Body: KNEC
Jilore Vocational Training Center
, Malindi
Examination Body: NITA
SOS Technical Training Institute
, Nairobi
Duration: 5 terms
Mkwajuni Vocational Training Center
, Kilifi
Exam Body: NITA
Miseleni Salvation Army Vocational Training Center
, Machakos
Exam Body: NITA
Jeremiah Nyaga Technical Training Institute
, Embu
Exam Body: KNEC
Kieni Technical And Vocational College
, Karatina
Entry Grade: D
The Kabete National Polytechnic
, Nairobi
Serengeti Institute
, Thika
Archbishop Okoth Vocational Training Center
, Koru
COFA Institute of Technology
, Nairobi
Karma Training Institute
, Isiolo
Kenya Israel Technical College
, Machakos
Kiambu Institute of Computer Engineering
, Kiambu
Kilimambogo Highways Building Technology Institute
, Thika
Kirinyaga Institute of Professional Studies
, Kerugoya
Kisauni Youth Polytechnic
, Mombasa
Subukia Vocational Training Centre
, Subukia
Thogoto Vocational Training Centre
, Kikuyu
Wanjohi Youth Polytechnic
, Kiriaini
South Rift Technical Training Institute
, Kericho
Hola Vocational Training Centre
, Hola
Sikri Technical and Vocational College for the Blind and Deaf
, Oyugis
Nembure Vocational Training Centre
, Embu
Bunyala Technical and Vocational College
, Busia
Kabete National Polytechnic
, Kabete
Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology
, Kisumu
Intraglobal Training Institute
, Nairobi
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