Colleges and Universities Offering Diploma in Business Administration in Tanzania
- Course Name: Diploma in Business Administration(Business Administration)
- Major Subject: Business Administration
- Course Category: Diploma Courses
The Diploma in Business Administration in Tanzania is a comprehensive program designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the field of business management. This course equips students with excellent skills and knowledge in areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, entrepreneurship among others. Students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. Graduates of this program are well-prepared to pursue various career opportunities in the business sector, including:
1. Administrative Officer
2. Marketing Executive
3. Human Resources Assistant
4. Financial Analyst
5. Operations Manager
6. Sales Representative
7. Business Consultant
8. Bank Officer
9. Purchasing Agent
10. Entrepreneur
Diploma in Business Administration graduates in Tanzania have a wide range of employment options in both government and private organizations across different industries.
Institutions Offering Diploma in Business Administration
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology JKUAT Arusha Centre, Arusha
Programme Duration
The Diploma in Business Administration shall be offered in two academic years with four semesters.
Entry Requirements
i. Form six with at least one principal pass in Mathematics/ Accounting/ Economics/ Commerce/ Geography/ English/ History. Where the principal pass is in Geography, History or English; the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in Mathematics at O-Level for DBA, DPSM, DHRM and DPR.
ii. Form six with at least one principal pass in Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry or Biology Where the principal pass is in Biology, Physics or Chemistry; the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in Mathematics at O-Level for DITand DBIT.
iii. Form six with at least one principal pass in English/Kiswahili/ History/Geography/Economics. Where the principal pass is in Geography or History, the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in English / Kiswahili at O-Level for DCD and DCSE. OR
iv. Form six with at least one principal pass and a subsidiary in Biology or Ordinary level Certificate with three credits and a pass in Biology and English/ Kiswahili for Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management & Counseling. OR
v. An appropriate equivalent Certificate with distinction or credit
Semester I
HCB 0201: Organizational Behaviour
HCB 0202: Statistics and Quantitative Methods in Business
HCB 0203: Introduction to Microeconomics
HCB 0204: Principles of Marketing
HCB 0205: Accounting
TDH 1100: Introduction to HIV/AIDS
Semester II
HCB 0206 Computer Application for Business Application
HCB 0207 Introduction to Macroeconomics
HCB 0208 Principles of Management
HCB 0209 Principles of Business Communication
HCB 0210 Principles of Business Law
HEP 0201 Principles of Procurement
Semester I
HBC 0211 Sociology
HBC 0212 Business Mathematics
HBC 0213 System Analysis
HBC 0214 Human Resource Management
HBC 0215 Marketing Management
HRD 0223 Communication Skills
Semester II
HBC 0216 Social Studies and Ethics
HBC 0217 Research Methodology
HBC 0218 Business Studies
HBC 0219 Issues in Management
HBC 0220 Managerial Accounting and Control
HBC 0221 Industrial Attachment (8 weeks)
HBC 0222 Project Work (2 Units)
Stella Maris Mtwara University College, Mtwara
Admission criteria
-4 (4Ds) passes in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E “O” level) in the approved subjects obtained prior to sitting for Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (where A=Pass, B=Pass, C=Pass, D=Pass, 0 F=Fail) together with at least one (1) Principal Pass in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E) in the approved subjects obtained in the sitting for the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E). (Where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, S=0.5, F=0) OR
- 4 (4Ds) Passes in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E “O” level) in the approved subjects obtained prior to sitting for Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (where A=Pass, B=Pass, C=Pass, D=Pass, F=Fail), together with an NTA Level 4 Certificate from an accredited or recognized institution
-1st year: Tsh. 1,115,000
-2nd year: Tsh.1,155,000.00
-3rd year: Tsh.1,155,000.00
The Institute of Social Work, Dar es Salaam
Course entry requirements
(i) Direct Entry
-At least a minimum of one (1) principal pass and a subsidiary at Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) in appropriate subjects that will amount to a minimum of 1.5 points (i.e. at least one E and S). In addition, the applicant must have four (4) credits from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) - excluding religious subjects.
(ii) Equivalent Entry
-Basic Technician Certificate from an institution recognized by NACTE with a minimum GPA of 2.0. In addition, the applicant must have Four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) - excluding religious subjects. OR
-Certificate in Nursing/Midwifery and related courses, and Certificate in Education (Grade III A) with an average of C from institutions recognized by NACTE. In addition, the applicant must have at least four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)- excluding religious subjects.
The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, Dar es Salaam
Course Entry Requirements:
- Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (04) relevant passes and Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least one principle pass and one Subsidiary in any of the following subjects Economics, Commerce, Accounts, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pure Mathematics, Basic Applied Mathematics, Geography and other relevant subjects as per course specifications.
- Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least four (04) relevant passes (i.e. D grade or higher) including specific subject based on the course; and a relevant Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) recognized by NACTE or any other relevant one year certificate obtained from any learning institution registered by the Government or recognized by any Government body of the country of study.
Course Duration: 2 years
Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, Dar-es-salaam
Duration: 1 year
Minimum entry requirements:
- holders of NTA Level 4 qualification or NVA 3 qualification or holders of advanced certificate of secondary education with at least three subsidiaries for a candidate set prior to 2014 or at least two D, or one C
- An Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education for candidates who set thereafter in any subject except religious subjects.
Course Outline:
-Procurement and Supply
-Public Relations and customer Care
-Elements of Computer Applications
-Introduction to Principles of Management
-Introduction to Entrepreneurship
-Introduction to Business Finance
-Communication Skills
-Business Mathematics and Statistics
-Commercial Knowledge
-Principles of Accounting and Costing
Mzumbe University, Morogoro
Minimum entry requirements:
(a) At least a second class or B average in Business Management or Administration Certificate; or Certificate in Procurement and Supply Chain; or Certificate in Accountancy. In addition, applicant must have at least four passes in any subjects from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE). OR
(b) At least one principal level pass and subsidiary in the ACSEE. The principal pass must include any of the following subjects: Mathematics or Commerce or Accountancy or Economics or Entrepreneurship. Where the principal pass does not include Mathematics or Commerce or Accountancy, Economics or Entrepreneurship in the ACSEE, an applicant must have passed with a credit in Basic Mathematics or Commerce or Book-keeping at the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).
Azania College of Management, Dar es Salaam
Diploma in Business administration and Entrepreneurship
Course entry requirements
-Possession of an Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least one principal level pass
-Possession of an Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least two subsidiary passes
-Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least five passes (“D”s or above)
-Certificate of courses above obtained from ACOM or any other recognized institution
-Any other equivalent qualification which may be considered and accepted by ACOM’s Senate.
Course duration: 2 years
Zanzibar University, Zanzibar
Duration: 2 years
Tuition fees:Total of TShs. 3,655,000
Minimum entry requirements:
- Possession of at least four passes of relevant Form Four subjects or its equivalent established by NECTA based on Tanzania education system AND NTA Level 4 Certificate. OR
- Possession of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (A-Level) with one principal pass or its equivalent (at least two subsidiaries) established by NECTA based on Tanzania education system, OR
- Possession of NABE AND NTA Level 4 Certificate, OR
- Possession of any Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.
Teofilo Kisanji University, Mbeya
Course Entry Requirements:
- The applicants MUST have completed form six with at least ONE(1) principal pass and ONE(1) Subsidiary.
- The applicant MUST have Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) corresponding to the programme the applicant applies.
- An applicant for the programme of Nursing and Midwifery MUST have completed form six with FOUR principal passes, two of them MUST be of at least grade "C" in Biology and Chemistry and grade "D" in Physics.
- The applicant MUST have Basic Technician Certificate in Nursing and Midwifery.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza
Duration: 2 years
Minimum entry requirements:
i) Candidates must be holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A.C.S.E.E) with at least one principal pass in Mathematics.
ii) Candidates should have completed at least form four ('O' level), or its equivalent, with three credits including Mathematics and English in the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E).
iii) Candidate must have a Certificate in Business Administration of at least second class level from a registered institution.
University of Iringa, Iringa
Minimum entry requirements:
1. Category A: Direct entrance of applicants to this programme must possess a Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) Form IV at 'O' Level with a minimum of three credits and Advanced Secondary Education Examination (Form VI) at 'A' Level with at least two subsidiary passes and a pass in Mathematics at 'O'level.
2. Category B: Applicants with a Certificate in Accountancy and Finance from accredited institution by Tanzania Commission for Universities.
College of Youth Education in Tanzania(COYETA), Mwanza
NTA level 6
Course enry requirements
At least four (4) passes excluding religious subject in certificate of secondary education examinations (CSEE) and possess the following:
-Any NTA level 4 certificate in Accountancy or its Equivalent from NACTE recognized institution or
-Advanced certificate of secondary Education examination with One Principal pass and one Subsidiary passes of the combination.
Course duration: 2 years
Stefano Moshi Memorial University College, Moshi
Course entry requirements:
Category A:
Direct Entry: Form IV Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with at least two credits or four passes AND Form VI Certificate of Advanced Secondary Education Examination with at least one principal a subsidiary passes
Category B: Equivalent Entry Qualifications: Holder of Certificate in Human Resource Management from SMMUCo or any other recognized Institution.
Landmark Institute of Education Science and Technology, Geita
Course entry requirements
Holder of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) passes in non religious subjects; AND Holder of Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Business Administration and other related certificates; OR Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least one principle pass and one subsidiary pass.
Course duration: 2 years
Jordan University College, Morogoro
Admission criteria
-Certificate of Secondary Education with 4 Passes in Non- Religious Studies and Basic Technician Certificate In Accountancy or any other related OR Advanced Certificate of Secondary Examination (ACSEE) with One Principle Pass and one Subsidiary Pass.
Fees: Tsh.2,370,000
Program duration: 2 years
Ruaha Catholic University, Iringa
Course entry requirements
-Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum of five passes OR any other qualification equivalent to this
-Certificate of Secondary Education Examination with less than five passes,PLUS a Certificate from an accredited institution
Course duration: 2 years
Dodoma Media College, Dodoma
Course entry requirements
-Holder Of Technician Certificate (NTA 5) In Relevant Course; Or
-Possession Of Non-NTA Certificate In Relevant Programmes;
-Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) With At Least One Principle Pass and One Subsidiary “S” Passes.
St. John's University of Tanzania, Dodoma
Option 1: Diploma in Business Administration
Areas of Specialization:
1. Accountancy
2. Procurement and Supply
3. Human Resources and Management
4. Marketing
Option 2: Diploma in Business Administration with Information and Communication Technology
St Joseph's College, Morogoro
Admission criteria
-Holder Of Technician Certificate (NTA 5) In Relevant Course; Or
-Possession Of Non-NTA Certificate In Relevant Programmes;
-Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) With At Least One Principle Pass and One Subsidiary “S” Passes.
College of Business Education, Dar-es-salaam
Minimum entry requirements:
- Form Six Examination Certificate with at least one principal and one subsidiary pass of the appropriate discipline
- NVA- Level 4 (Basic Technician Certificate) in the programme applied for
- ATEC I (NBAA) Foundation Stage I
Kilimanjaro Institute of Technology and Management, Dar-es-salaam
Duration: 2 years
Tuition fees: TShs. 890,000
Minimum entry requirements:
- Basic certificate of any related course from institution recognized by NACTE.
- Form six with at least 1 principal pass and 1 subsidiary
National Institute of Transport, Dar es Salaam
Course entry requirements
-Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) from NACTE recognized Institutions or Form six with at least one principal Pass and one subsidiary pass of the combination subjects in ACSEE.
Course duration: 2 years
Institute of Professional and Innovational Development., Zanzibar
Admission criteria
-Possession of basic technician certificate (NTA 4) at relevant field
-Possession of at least one subsidiary passes at form six level or
-Possession of at least four principal passes at form four level
Mwenge Catholic University, Moshi
Course entry requirements:
-Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with One principal pass and one Subsidiary or Holder of Certificate Business Administration.
Course duration: 2 years
Cardinal Rugambwa Memorial College, Bukoba
Admission criteria
-Minimum four( 4) Ds in O’ level, One Principal Pass and One Subsidiary in A’Level Or NTA level 4 certificate in the related field with 2.0 GPA.
Course duration: 2 years
Mbeya University of Science and Technology, Mbeya
Duration: 3 years
Minimum entry requirements:
- Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a pass in at least four (4) non-Religious subjects
Green Bird College, Mwanga
Course entry requirements
-At least one principal pass and one subsidiary in advanced level certificate.OR
-A certificate of a course from an institution recognized with NACTE.
New Focus College, Mbeya
NTA Level 6
Course entry requirements
- Applicants are required to have at least E and S in their Form Six (ACSEE) results or have a certificate from a NACTE recognized institution.
The Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
Course Name: Diploma in Business Administration (NTA Level 6)
Course Duration: 1 Year
JR Institute of Information Technology, Arusha
Fees: Tshs.1,140,000 per year
Program duration: 3 years
Tanga Technical Institute, Tanga
Course duration: 2 years
Mode of study: Full time
Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University, Lushoto
Course duration: 2 years
St Thomas Institute of Management and Technology, Songea
Course duration: 2 years
Wesley College, Mwanza
Duration: 2 years
Muslim University of Morogoro, Morogoro
Duration: 2 years
Catholic University College of Mbeya (CUCoM), Mbeya
Duration: 2 years
Ngageya College of Business and Management, Dodoma
NTA Level 6
Bandari College, Dar es Salaam
NTA Level 6
- Geita Institute of Business and Technology, Geita
NTA Level 6
- Tanzania Institute for Trade and Investment, Dar es Salaam
NTA Level 6
- Montfort Business College, Dar es Salaam
NTA Level 6
- Mwanza Baptist Institute, Mwanza
NTA Level 6
Arusha Teacher's College, Arusha
NTA Level 6
Kyela Polytechnic College, Kyela
NTA Level 6
- Taifa College of Technology, Arusha
NTA Level 6
Arusha Institute of Business Studies, Arusha
NTA Level 6
- Iringa Retco Business College, Iringa
NTA Level 6
Mary Queen Technology College, Morogoro
NTA Level 6
Comenius Polytechnic Institute, Tabora
The Abdulrahman Al-Sumait Memorial University(SUMAIT University), Zanzibar
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