Degree Programs
Postgraduate Diploma
Online Courses
Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Australia
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Australia.
Course Categories
Diploma Courses
Online Courses
Masters Courses
Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Undergraduate Certificate Courses
Doctorate Courses
Bridging Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Associate Degree Courses
Bachelor of Development Studies / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)
Bachelor of Data Science / Bachelor of Mathematics
Bachelor of Data Science / Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Computing (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce / Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Coastal and Marine Science
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in International Relations
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Biomedicine / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Aboriginal Studies (Honours)
Bachelor of Culinary Management
Bachelor of Business (International Hotel and Resort Management)
Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Primary Education
Bachelor of Science and Business
Bachelor of Data Science and Decisions
Bachelor of Exercise Physiology
Bachelor Music/Education (Secondary)
Bachelor of International Studies/Media (Public Relations and Advertising)
Bachelor of Music/Media (Communication and Journalism)
Bachelor of Applied Business, Management
Bachelor of Business (Sports Management)
Bachelor of Business (Event Management)
Bachelor of Nutrition
Bachelor of Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine)
Bachelor of Business Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Informatics
Bachelor of Justice Studies
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism)
Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
Bachelor of Social and Economic Policy (Sociology)
Bachelor of Social and Economic Policy
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication Design)
Bachelor of Arts and Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Heritage)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching)
Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Media and Communication / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Applied Innovation
Bachelor of Business Information Systems / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business Information Technology (Professional)
Bachelor of Digital Construction Management
Bachelor of Aviation Management / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Aviation Management / Bachelor of Applied Innovation
Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition)
Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine)
Bachelor of Health Science (Aesthetics)
Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Counselling)
Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Community Services)
Bachelor of UX and Web Design
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial)
Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential)
Bachelor of Game Design and Development
Bachelor of Film and Video
Bachelor of Fashion Marketing and Enterprise
Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design
Bachelor of 3D Design and Animation
Bachelor of Aviation / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Aviation
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Psychological Sciences
Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Professional)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Finance
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Economics
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Finance and Banking with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Environmental and Climate Solutions) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Electronic) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Economics (Advanced)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Electronic)
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Sociology
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Creative Arts
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Computer Sciences
Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Media
Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Economics