Degree Programs
Postgraduate Diploma
Online Courses
Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Australia
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Australia.
Course Categories
Diploma Courses
Online Courses
Masters Courses
Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Undergraduate Certificate Courses
Doctorate Courses
Bridging Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Associate Degree Courses
Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts (with a key program in Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars
Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation)
Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth - 5/Birth - 12)
Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars
Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars
Bachelor of Communication (Dean's Scholars)
Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars)
Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology / Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Accounting / Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership) / Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary)
Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership)
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Creative Industries
Bachelor of Design - Visual Communication (Dean's Scholars)
Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Creative Industries
Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production)
Bachelor of Creative Industries
Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Construction Management Advanced (Honours)
Bachelor of Construction Management Studies / Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Design and Technology
Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Building Design Management
Bachelor of Architectural Design
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences
Bachelor of Vision Sciences
Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (Honors)
Bachelor of Medical Engineering(Honors)
Bachelor of Media and Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Music(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Esports(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Animation(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Acting(Honours)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies)
Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Science in Communication and Journalism
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Construction Management
Bachelor of Applied Management
Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy
Bachelor of Arts in Drama
Bachelor of Commerce(Business Economics)
Bachelor of Science in Paramedicine
Bachelor of Sport Science
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Bachelor of Human Movement Science
Bachelor of Arts in Writing
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts
Bachelor of Arts(Honors) Game Design
Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
Bachelor of Peace and Conflict Studies
Bachelor of Performing Arts Degree
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Engineering in Mining and Mineral Resource Engineering
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences and Health
Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience
Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics
Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Sciences
Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts
Bachelor of Behavioural Science
Associate Degree in Business Studies
Associate Degree in Construction Management
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
Bachelor of Science in Networking With Cyber Security
Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Building and Construction
Bachelor of Human Services and Social Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Community and Human Services/Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Community and Human Services
Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Promotion)
Associate Degree in Science
Bachelor of Aviation Engineering Technology