Degree Programs
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Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Ireland
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Ireland.
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Diploma Courses
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Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Associate Degree Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Measurement Science
Bachelor of Science in Botanical Cuisine
Bachelor of Science in Biomolecular Science
Bachelor of Science in Bioanalysis
Bachelor of Science in Baking and Pastry Arts Management
Bachelor of Science in Auctioneering, Valuation and Estate Agency
Bachelor of Applied Social Care
Bachelor of Science in Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy and Law
Bachelor of Science in Sustainability with Environmental Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Structural Engineering with Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Management
Bachelor of Science in Politics and International Relations
Bachelor of Science in Physics, Mathematics and Education
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Astronomy and Space Science
Bachelor of Science in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Pharmaceutical Business Operations
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Music Production
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Creative Technologies and Digital Art
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Audio and Music Technology
Bachelor of Arts in Photographic Media
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Film, TV and Screen Media Production
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Communications and Media Production
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Communication Design
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Graphic Communication Design
BA (Hons) in Counselling and Psychotherapy with Youth Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Counselling and Psychotherapy with Addiction Studies
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Bachelor of Arts(Hons) in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in International Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business((Marketing) (Blended)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Arts(Honours) in Business(HRM)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting and Finance (Blended)
Bachelor of Arts in Music, Film and Drama
Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Bachelor of Arts in Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
Bachelor of Arts in Irish Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Irish Folklore
Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Studies
Bachelor of Science in Health and Performance Science
Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Food Business with Chinese Studies
Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Food and Agribusiness Management
Bachelor of Arts in English, Drama and Film
Bachelor of Science in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics
Bachelor of Arts in Drama Studies
Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Dairy Business
Bachelor of Arts in Creative and Cultural Industries
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Mathematics and Education
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science With Data Science
Bachelor of Science in Computational Social Science
Bachelor of International Commerce
Bachelor of Arts in Classics, Art History and Archaeology
Bachelor of Science in City Planning and Environmental Policy
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Mathematics and Education
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry With Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Biophysical Chemistry
Bachelor of Education in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Bachelor of Arts in Celtic Civilization
Bachelor of Business and Law
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical, Health and Life Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Mathematics and Education
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Education
Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Animal and Crop Production
Bachelor of Agricultural Systems Technology
Bachelor of Agri-Environmental Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Actuarial and Financial Studies
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Physics
Bachelor of Science in Biological and Chemical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Professional Studies
Bachelor of Science in Theoretical Physics
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Portuguese
Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering With Placement
Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy and Sociology
Bachelor of Science in Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Professional Nursing (Children and Young People)
Bachelor of Science in Professional Nursing (Adult)
Bachelor of Engineering in Product Design Engineering - Sandwich
Bachelor of Engineering in Product Design Engineering
Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Planning, Environment and Development
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Spanish
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Medical Applications
Bachelor of Science in Physics with French
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Astro-Physics
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Politics
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Sandwich)
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Sandwich)
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance
Bachelor of Arts Music and Sound Design
Bachelor of Arts in Music and Audio Production
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with Professional Studies
Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry Sandwich
Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Sandwich