Degree Programs
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Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Ireland
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Ireland.
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Advanced Diploma Courses
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Degree Courses
Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Diploma Courses
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Online Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Bachelor of Arts (Film & Digital Media)
Bachelor of Arts (English and Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Digital Arts and Technology)
Bachelor of Arts (Child, Youth and Family: Policy and Practice)
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Wildlife Biology
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Communications
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Veterinary Bioscience
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in TV, Radio and New Media
Bachelor of Arts in TV, Radio and New Media
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Tourism Management
Bachelor of Business in Tourism Management
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theatre and Drama Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Sustainable Energy Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Structural Engineering
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Sport and Exercise Management
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development
Bachelor of Science in Software Development
Bachelor of Arts in Social Care Work
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care
Bachelor of Arts in Social Care
Bachelor of Business in Recreation and Leisure Management
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Computing
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Fire Safety Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Architectural Technology
Bachelor of Business (Hons) Marketing with Online Technologies
Bachelor of Business (Hons) Accounting
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Sport and Exercise with Rehabilitation
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Sport and Exercise with Physical Education
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Sport and Exercise with Performance
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Sport and Exercise (Common Entry)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Fashion with Promotion
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Digital Film and Video
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Design (Common Entry)
Bachelor of Science in Polymer Processing Technology (Apprenticeship)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Photography with New Media
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Montessori Education
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Marine Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Marine Electrotechnology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Manufacturing Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in IT Management
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business with Language
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Instrument Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Industrial Physics
Bachelor of Science in Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity
Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Home Economics and Business
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health and Leisure with Massage
Bachelor of Science in Health and Leisure with Massage
Bachelor of Science in Health and Leisure
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Global Business and Pilot Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Food Business Innovation
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science and Sustainable Technology
Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Care and Education
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Digital Media
Bachelor of Science in Construction
Bachelor of Science in Computing with Software Development
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing with Software Development
Bachelor of Science in Computing with Games Development
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing with Games Development
Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems and Networking
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Coaching Science and Sports Pedagogy
Bachelor of Science in Coaching and Sports Performance
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Coaching and Sports Performance
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Business in Beverage Industry Management
Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology and Management
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Automotive Business Management and Technology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architectural Technology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Instrumentation
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biosciences
Bachelor of Arts in Animation Visual Effects and Motion Design
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation Visual Effects and Motion Design
Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Analytical Chemistry with Quality Assurance
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agricultural Science
Bachelor of Engineering in Agricultural Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agri-Biosciences
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Communications
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Arts Hons In Graphic Digital Design Add On
Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical Common
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Toxicology
Bachelor of Science(Hons) in Pharmacology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Microbiology
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Bioveterinary Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Bioscience
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Development and Analysis)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health and Safety Management
Bachelor of Science in Bioveterinary Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Software Design with Mobile Apps and Connected Devices
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Software Design with Cloud Computing