Degree Programs
Postgraduate Diploma
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Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Kenya
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Kenya.
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Diploma Courses
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Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Bridging Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Security Leadership
Bachelor of Arts in Transformational Church Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Records Management and Information Technology
Bachelor of Public Administration and Policy Development
Bachelor of Arts in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management and Development
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Community Development)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Public Health
Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Religious Studies
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture and Marketing
Bachelor of Arts in Child Care and Protection
Bachelor of Arts Education in Geography
Bachelor of Arts Education in Kiswahili
Bachelor of Arts Education in Music
Bachelor of Arts Education in Literature
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning and Management
Bachelor of Business Management and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agro-ecosystems and Environmental Management
Bachelor of Technology in Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Science in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies and Philosophy
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Management and Aquatic Technology
Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Community Development
Bachelor of Criminology and Social Justice
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management and Informatics
Bachelor of Agricultural Education and Extension
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Extension
Bachelor of Technology in Telecommunication and Information Engineering
Bachelor of Arts in Chaplaincy
Bachelor of Music Theory, Composition and Performance
Bachelor of Technology Education in Building and Construction Technology
Bachelor of Technology Education in Food and Textile Technology
Bachelor of Economics and Global Business Studies
Bachelor of Economics and Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Science in Textile Technology and Applied Design
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation Management
Bachelor of Science in Medical Botany
Bachelor of Freight and Logistics Management
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Science in Climate Change
Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality and Tourism
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Religious Studies
Bachelor of Science in Dryland Resource Management
Bachelor of Science in Integrated Forest Resources Management
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and History
Bachelor of Military Science
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management and Production
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Human Ecology
Bachelor of Education Arts
Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Bachelor of Science in Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design
Bachelor of Education Science
Bachelor of Science in Water and Environmental Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Soil Environment and Land Use Management
Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology
Bachelor of Communication and Journalism
Bachelor of Education Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Education Technology (Electrical Engineering)
Bachelor of Education Technology (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Climate-Smart Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Knowledge Management
Bachelor of Nursing(Upgrading)
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management
Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Enterprise and Management
Bachelor of Science in Animal Products Technology
Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Economics
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literature
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Geography
Bachelor of Arts in Government and International Relations
Bachelor of the Built Environment(Construction Management)
Bachelor of Technology in Surveying Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Office Administration and Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Medicinal Chemistry
Bachelor of Technology in Integrated Water Resources Management
Bachelor of Technology in Institutional Catering and Accommodation
Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Technology in Industrial and Applied Chemistry
Bachelor of Technology in Applied Biology
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Technology (Community Health and Wellness)
Bachelor of Technology (Building Construction)
Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Travel Management
Bachelor of Science in Land Administration
Bachelor of Science in Event and Convention Management
Bachelor of Real Estate
Bachelor of Engineering in Biosystems and Environmental Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Geospatial Engineering
Bachelor of Applied Science(Geospatial Information and Communication)
Bachelor of Technology in Computer and Electronic Systems