Degree Programs
Postgraduate Diploma
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Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria
Find Degree Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria.
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Diploma Courses
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Masters Courses
Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Bachelor in Conflict Management and Peace Studies
Bachelor of Science in Social Science and Vocational Education
Bachelor of Science in Philosophy and Religious Studies
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Physics and Electronics
Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Peace Studies
Bachelor of Science Education in History
Bachelor of Science in History and International Studies
Bachelor of Science in Accounting with ICAN Professional Certification
Bachelor of Arts Education in Hausa
Bachelor of Agriculture in Forestry and Wildlife
Bachelor of Agriculture in Aquaculture and Fisheries
Bachelor of Science in Political Science and International Studies
Bachelor of Science in Economics with Operations Research
Bachelor of Science in Banking
Bachelor of Science in Radiography and Radiation Science
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Computing
Bachelor of Science in Insurance and Actuarial Science
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
Bachelor of Science in Government Public Administration
Bachelor of Science in Computing for Business
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Studies
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Languages
Bachelor of Science in Communication and Multimedia Design
Bachelor of Science in Community Health Sciences
Bachelor of Technology in Physics
Bachelor of Technology in Geophysics
Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics
Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Chemistry
Bachelor of Technology in Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management
Bachelor of Technology in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Crops, Soil and Pest Management
Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Economics and Extension
Bachelor of Technology in Animal Production and Health
Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environmental Management
Bachelor of Science in Animal and Environmental Biology
Bachelor of Science in Public Relations and Advertising
Bachelor of Science in Development Communication Studies
Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Management
Bachelor of Technology in Petroleum Engineering
Bachelor of Technology in Marine Engineering
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
Bachelor of Agriculture in Crop, Soil and Pest Management
Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management and Tourism
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Bachelor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Science in Geology and Applied Geophysics
Bachelor of Arts Education in Physical and Health Education
Bachelor of Science in Education (Social Sciences)
Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Science in Military Science
Bachelor of Science in Intelligence and Security Science
Bachelor of Arts in History and War Studies
Bachelor of Science in Defence and Security Studies
Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Sociology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Management
Bachelor of Science in General Administration
Bachelor of Technology in Business Education
Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Studies
Bachelor of Fisheries Management and Aquaculture
Bachelor of Science Education (Secretarial Option)
Bachelor of Science Education in Accounting
Bachelor of Science Education in Industrial Technology Education
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce in E-Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship Development
Bachelor of Commerce in Insurance
Bachelor of Fine Arts(Commercial Arts)
Bachelor of Fine Arts(Fashion Designing)
Bachelor of Arts(Honours) in Film Making
Bachelor of Arts(Honours) in Photography
Bachelor of Arts in International Journalism
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Studies and Catering Services
Bachelor of Science in Hardware and Networking
Bachelor of Science in Animation
Bachelor of Science in Fire Safety
Bachelor of Technology in Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration(Information System Management Major)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration(Financial Management Major)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration(Accounting and Financial Management Major)
Bachelor of Technical Education in Building and Woodwork Technology
Bachelor of Education in Industrial and Labour studies
Bachelor of Science in Soil Resources and Environment Management
Bachelor of Science in Crop, Horticulture and Landscape Design
Bachelor of Art Education
Bachelor of Science in Crop Protection
Bachelor of Education in Counseling Psychology and Educational Foundation
Bachelor of Science Education in Geography and Environmental Management
Bachelor of Science Education in Transport Planning and Management
Bachelor of Science Education in Agricultural Science
Bachelor of Education in Secretarial Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts and Film Studies
Bachelor of Arts in English and Professional Communication
Bachelor of Science in Transport Management
Bachelor of Technology Education in Computer Science
Bachelor of Technology Education in Building Construction
Bachelor of Technology Education in Automobile Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Woodwork Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Metalwork Technology