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Doctorate Courses offered by colleges and universities in South Africa
Find Doctorate Courses offered by colleges and universities in South Africa.
Course Categories
Diploma Courses
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Masters Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Bridging Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Doctor of Philosophy in Laws (Law and Development)
Doctor of Laws in Public Law and Legal Philosophy
Doctor of Laws Perspectives on Law
Doctor of Laws in Mercantile Law
Doctor of Laws Legal Profession
Doctor of Laws International Aspects of Law
Doctor of Laws in Formal Law
Doctor of Laws Criminal and Procedural Law
Doctor of Music in Music
Doctor of Music in Music Composition
Doctor of Music in Music Performance
Doctor of Philosophy in Visual and Performing Arts
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Languages and Literature
Doctor of Philosophy Afrikaans and Dutch
Doctor of Philosophy in Transdisciplinary Health Sciences
PhD in Philosophy in Education
PhD in Education Law
PhD in Computer Science Education
PhD in Natural Sciences Education
Doctor of Laws Private and Customary Law
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic and Management Sciences with Labour Relations Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Information Sciences with Computer Science and Information Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic and Management Sciences with Operations Research
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic and Management Sciences with Business Statistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic and Management Sciences with Taxation
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic and Management Sciences with Accountancy
PhD in Medical Genetics
PhD in International Politics
PhD in Physiology and Environmental Health
PhD in Plant Production
PhD in Industrial Psychology
PhD in Management Accounting
PhD in Risk Analysis
PhD in Property Science
PhD in Mineral Resource Management
PhD in Limnology
PhD in Land and Property Development Management
PhD in Irrigation Management
PhD in Human Settlements
PhD in Grassland Science
PhD in Geohydrology
PhD in Data Science
PhD in Computer Science and Informatics
PhD in Behavioural Genetics
PhD in Astrophysics
PhD in Agrometeorology
Doctor of Management in Technology and Innovation
PhD in Tertiary Physics Education
PhD in Tertiary Chemistry Education
PhD in Statistical Sciences
PhD in Statistical Ecology
PhD in Physical Oceanography
PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice
Doctor of Philosophy in Commercial Law
PhD in Computational Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Brand Leadership
Doctor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Communication in Language Practice
PhD in Human Physiology
PhD in Geochemistry
PhD in Educational Psychology
PhD in Critical Care Nursing
Doctor of Philosophy of Science in Mathematical Statistics
PhD in Building
PhD in New Testament
PhD in Old Testament
PhD Geology (Environmental Geology)
PhD in Taxation
PhD in Aquaculture
PhD in Geoscience
PhD in Mental Health
PhD in Folklore
PhD in Wildlife Management
PhD in Comparative Education
PhD in Translation
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration and Management
PhD in Medical Physics
PhD in Communication Studies
PhD in English Language and Literature
PhD in Journalism
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Italian Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature
Doctor of Nursing
Doctor of Medical Science
PhD in Microbial Biotechnology
PhD in International Relations
PhD in Architecture and Planning
PhD in Fine Arts
PhD in Environmental and Geographical Sciences
Doctor of Business Leadership
PhD in Anesthesiology
Doctor of Philosophy
PhD in History
PhD in Management (Organisational Behaviour)
PhD in Mathematics Education
PhD in Constitutional Law