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Masters Courses offered by colleges and universities in Angola
Find Masters Courses offered by colleges and universities in Angola.
Course Categories
Masters Courses
Doctorate Courses
Degree Courses
Mestrado em Gestão de Saúde
Masters in Entrepreneurship and Development
Master of Legal Sciences
Master in Developmental and Educational Psychology
Master in Energy Economy and Management
Master in Obstetrics and Nursing and Neonatal Sciences
Master of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training
Master of Languages and Literature in Angolan Languages
Master of Portuguese Language and Literatures in Portuguese Language
Master of English Language and Literature in English Language
Master of French Language and Literature in French Language
Master of Engineering Structures
Master of Planning and Planning of Urban Areas
Master in Monetary and Financial Economics
Master in Oil and Gas Business Law and Management
Masters in Legal and Economic Sciences and Development
Masters in Mineral Resources and Environment
Master in Environmental Management and Governance
Masters in Geographic Engineering/Geographical Information System
Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications
Master of Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources
Master of Sciences of the Sea and Coastal Zones
Masters in Business Finance
Master of Science in Work and Organizational Psychology/Behaviour
Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Master of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Master of Accounting and Finance
Master of Management
Master of Philosophy
Masters in Public Management and Governance
Master of Public Health
Master of Economics
Master of Science in Medical Education
Master of Applied Microbiology
Master of Hydraulic Engineering
Master of Social Psychology
Masters in Civil Engineering
Master of Arts in Sociology
Master of Law
Master of Science in Development Economics