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Certificate Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria
Find Certificate Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria.
Course Categories
Diploma Courses
Online Courses
Masters Courses
Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Multimedia Applications
Selling Techniques
How Organizations Work
Financial Literacy
Web Design for ECommerce
Project Manager Course
Process Manager Course
Service Operations
Total Service Quality
IT Office Skills
Basic Networks
ICT Foundation
IT Project Manager
Creating Valuable Products and Services
Software Application Development
Service Literacy Course
Change Agent Course
Critical Thinking and Planning Skills
Office Computerization Course
Writing for Good
Persuasive Speech
Seafarers Mandatory Safety Course
National Vocational Certificate (NVC) in Welding and Fabrication
Certificate in Graphics Design Packages
Certificate in Enterprise Resource Planning
Certificate in Anesthetic Technician
Certificate in Junior Health Extension Worker
Certificate in Catering Craft Practice
Certificate in Food Hygiene
Certificate in Computer Network Installation (Networking)
Certificate in Electronic Gadget Repairs (Coupling and Installation of Gadgets)
Certificate in Automobile Repair and Diagnosis
Microsoft Publishing
Masonry and Tiling
Cloth Weaving
General Health, Safety and Environment (GHSE)
Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness(Practical Demonstration)
Introduction to Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
Safe Operation of Forklifts and Material Handling (In plant only)
Health, Safety and Environmental Management for the Food and Beverage Industry
Environmental Hazards Recognition and Prevention
Risk Management: Identification, Assessment and Control
Operational Risk and Incident Management for Oil and Gas Companies
Basic Safety/Risk Awareness and Prevention
Permit to Work Course
Implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Strategy
Safe Operation of Cranes (In plant only)
Basic Fire Prevention and Protection Training
Emergency Preparedness and Response Training
Basic First Aid Administration
Effective Energy Management in the Manufacturing Industries
Construction Safety for Construction Workers
Environmental Safety and Occupational Ethics Awareness
Safe Environmental and Waste Management Protocols
Defensive Driving Techniques
Environmental Pollution Control
Quality Management Systems and Quality Assurance
Chemicals and Materials Handling
Housekeeping and Safety in Industrial Operations
Job Hazard Analysis
Certificate in Film and Media Production
Office Technology
Digital Marketing and Blogging
Certificate in Block and Interlock Moulding
Certificate in Computer Device and Phone repair
Certificate in Inverter Solar Technology
Certificate in Welding and Fitting
Certificate in Iron Bending
Computer Basic Test Training
Certificate in Seaming/Designing
Certificate in Cosmetics: Liquid Soap, Cream and Perfume
Certificate in Social Event Management
Certificate Forest Guards
Certificate in Forest Overseer
Certificate in Mathematics and Computer Science
Certificate in Translation(CTR)English/Hausa
Certificate in Arabic, Hausa and Islamic Studies
Certificate in Safety and Security Management
Certificate in Environmental Health Technician
Certificate in Opticianry Technology
Certificate in Digital Media Technology
Certificate in Pharmaceutical Technology
Certificate in Social Welfare and Administration
Certificate in Public Policy Making
Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Certificate in Film and Television Production
Certificate in Theater and Media Arts
Certificate in Common Law
Certificate in Building Maintenance and Services
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics Work
Certificate in Agriculture Technology
Clerical Officer Administration
Certificate in Local Government Administration and Finance
Certificate in Arabic Language
Typist Grade I
Confidential Secretary II
Clerical Officers Accounting and Auditing
Assistant Forestry Superintendent Certificate
Assistant Store Officers Course
Typist Grade III