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Certificate Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria
Find Certificate Courses offered by colleges and universities in Nigeria.
Course Categories
Diploma Courses
Online Courses
Masters Courses
Graduate Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Post Graduate Diploma Courses
Doctorate Courses
Higher Diploma Courses
Graduate Certificate
Degree Courses
Certificate Courses
Postgraduate Certificate
Confidential Secretary IV
Typist Grade II
Confidential Secretary III
Pre Nigerian Certificate of Education
Certificate in Public Accounts, Audit and Taxation
Basic Certificate in Welding Technology
Assistant Livestock Superintendent Certificate
Assistant Agricultural Superintendent Certificate
Advanced Certificate in Welding Technology
Certificate in Computer Appreciation and Application
Certificate in Electrical Engineering and Installation
Certificate in Agricultural Technology
Middle Financial Management Course
Treasury Certificate I, II and III
Advanced Certificate in Land Surveying
Intermediate Certificate in Land Surveying
Basic Technical Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology
Certificate in Data Processing and Programming
Technical Certificate in Welding and Fabrication
Advanced Certificate in Construction Technology
Intermediate Certificate in Construction Technology
Intermediate Certificate in Printing Technology
Advanced Certificate in Printing Technology
Advanced Basic Computer Programme
Clerical Officer Accounts, Audit and Taxation
Clerical Officer Local Government Administration
Certificate in Office Technology Management
Certificate in Cooperative Organization
Certificate in Social Welfare
Certificate in Tax Administration
Certificate in Public Accounts and Audit
Certificate in Public Personnel Administration
Intermediate Certificate in Urban Regional Planning
Intermediate Certificate in Land and Survey
Intermediate Certificate in Agricultural Technology
Intermediate Certificate in Building Technology
Advanced Certificate in Land and Survey
Advanced Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning
Advanced Certificate in Building Technology
Advanced Certificate in Agricultural Engineering
Advanced Certificate in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Advanced Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Certificate in Civil/Water Engineering
Remedial Programme (Arts and Science)
Intermediate Certificate in Mass Communication
Enterprise Risk Management
Talent Management
Certificate in Community Health Assistant
Certificate in Children Ministry
Close Protection Officers’ Course
Certificate in Horticulture and Landscape Maintenance
Advanced Certificate in Horticulture and Landscaping
Certificate in Pharmacy Technician
Certificate in Multimedia Art
Tanker Familiarization Course
Air Ticketing
Certificate in Autodesk 3ds Max
Anger Management
Certificate in Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Crime Prevention
Certificate in Computer and Mobile Phone Repairs
Certificate in Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy
Air Cargo Handling Course
Personal Financial Management
Microsoft Office Packages
Baking and Confectionery Skills
International Certificate in Educational Leadership
International Certificate in Teaching and Learning
Certificate in Foundations for Christian Ministry and Leadership(FCL)
Certificate in Partners in Ministry
NCE Social Studies Education
NCE Mathematics Education
NCE English Education
NCE Economics Education
NCE Business Education
NCE Computer Education
Evangelism and Mission Course
Facilitators and Counsellors Course
Sunday School Course
Guild of Stewards Course
Wardens Course
Customer Service Specialist
Cargo Handling Course
Web Analytics Training
Full Stack Web Development
Full Stack Software Development
E Commerce Strategy Training
Display and Video Advertising Training
Data Streaming
Data Structures and Algorithm
Data Product Manager
Data Scientist Course
Data Analyst Course
Programming for Data Science with Python
Digital Marketing Foundations
Digital Strategy Fundamentals and Advanced Training
NCE Mathematics
NCE Adult and Non Formal Education
NCE Early Childhood Care
NCE Primary Education Studies(PES)